Mentor Kick Off Event Friday
You are invited to our Mentor Kick Off Event Friday, August 22, 2008 6pm-8pm
First Street United Methodist Church
2309 Dryades St NOLA 70113
RSVP at call 504.895.2922.
Interested In Becoming A Mentor?
Mentors are catalysts that inspire youth to develop and reach their full potential. They offer hope, wisdom, and, experience to help talented young people realize their ambitions. Mentors of the Fountain of Youth Foundations will introduce youth students to their career or profession of interest, nurture leadership skills and motivate them to expand their vision.
We are looking for:
Doctors - Lawyers - Musicians - Athletes - IT Professionals - Entrepreneurs
Mentor Goals:
- Maintain an ongoing relationship of mutual respect, effective communication and motivation
- Provide an opportunity for career exploration
- Provide academic direction and guidance
- Provide social experiences and cultural enlightenment
- Help youth develop a strong self esteem and positive self image
Participation Requirements
Be at least 21 years old
Have access to an automobile and auto insurance
Have a clean criminal history
Commit to 1year as a mentor at the Fountain of Youth Foundations
If you are interested in participating in our mentoring program or know someone who would be a great mentor, please call Sabrina Short, Executive Director at 504.895.2922 or email Mentor Kickoff event will be held August 22, 2008 6-8pm at 2309 Dryades ST NOLA, First PW Street UMC.
visit our blog:
One Child, One Dream, One Future.
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